I am Farzad Ahmed, a second year Ph.D. Student, at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA in the Department of CS. I am working as a Graduate Research Assistant under the supervision of Professor Özlem Uzuner. My primary research interest lies in Natural Language Processing and Health Informatics.
For additional information, please see the CV and publications.
- [August 21, 2024] - Started working as a Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of CS, George Mason University.
- [October 29, 2023] - Reached 100+ citations on my Google Scholar profile.
- [August 21, 2023] - Joined as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the Department of CS, George Mason University.
- [August 21, 2023] - Started Ph.D. in the Department of CS, George Mason University.
- [December 09, 2022] - One paper got accepted at ICCIT 2022 .
- [September 29, 2022] - Reached 50+ citations on my Google Scholar profile.
- [September 27, 2022] - One paper got accepted at CSDE 2022 .
- [July 21, 2022] - One paper got accepted at MIET 2022 .
- [September 14, 2021] - One paper got accepted at ICECIT 2021 .
- [August 28, 2021] - One long paper got accepted at Springer Nature Computer Science Journal.
- [December 16, 2020] - Joined as a Lecturer in the Department of CSE, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology.
- [December 10, 2020] - One paper got accepted at Tensymp 2020.
- [February 01, 2020] - Joined as a Contractual Lecturer in the Department of CSE, BRAC University.
- [January 01, 2020] - Successfully defended my B.Sc. Thesis.